Dream Team

Dream Team

What is the Dream Team?

Remember the “Dream Team,” the first U.S. Olympic team to include NBA stars?  In winning the 1992 gold medal, they gave fans a glimpse of basketball at it’s finest, and the entire world responded.

It’s the same here.  A group of ordinary people doing the extraordinary by discovering their gifts and passions and  actively serving in them…that’s the Dream Team!  And it’s a win!  Each opportunity advances the Kingdom of God by being the first to reach out a hand and heart by greeting guests, serving in Kidzville, with students, or creating irresistible environments for worship or other events.  We have a place for you to serve.  If not, we will work really hard to create it.kidzville sign4

Areas of Service


Join the Dream Team

Joining a team is getting outside yourself.  When you do, you begin to get a glimpse of something so much bigger and make forever friends along the way.

Take the next step in joining the Dream Team by getting started on the Growth Track.  Growth Track is designed to equip you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ – from learning the essentials of our faith to discovering and fulfilling your God-given purpose.

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Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!

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